
Which type of Learning Experience would you like?

IKEducation offers programs in three formats. Decide which format best fits your needs and then browse the Educator's Guide to see program options.

IKE Online

Participate in your choice of programs from the convenience of your classroom. IKE Online offers an array of live programs to fit your classroom's schedule and live events that can be joined worldwide.

IKE Onsite

Schedule a field trip to the Eisenhower Presidential Library, Museum, and Boyhood Home. Students will actively participate in learning by seeing, touching and experiencing concepts firsthand, making education more relevant and memorable.

IKE Express

For qualifying schools, IKEducation will bring our programs right into your classroom!

Upcoming Online Events
More Resources!

Browse our resources below to find the best program for your classroom! Questions? Please send us an email at iked1890@eisenhowerfoundation.net.

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