Soldier Details
Theater of Operation:
Honored By:
Walt' Hoffman, a native of Enterprise, KS entered the Army Air Corps in 1943. He went through Basic Training at Shepard Field, TX. After his Basic Training, he went to Technical Training at Pawling, NY and was trained in Cryptography. He was then sent to Hickam Field in Hawaii as a member of the Army Airways Communication System (AACS). This military branch was in charge of Carrier Wave Communication, Radio Range Operations, Airfield Control Towers, Radio Operations and Maintenance for Communications Systems. He was then sent as NCOIC to Christmas Island for 9 months and then to Hilo Air Station on the island of Hawaii. He was discharged in 1946. Walt went to Kansas University under the GI Bill and graduated with a BS Degree in Business. After college, he worked at Ehrsam Manufacturing Company in Enterprise, KS for approximately 11 years. He then went into the banking business until his retirement in 1985. Walt married the former Virginia Nordquist of Clay Center in 1953. They had two daughters - Sarah (deceased) and Jeremy.