Soldier Details


Marine Corps
VMFA/232; MAG-12; HMR-264

Highest Rank:

Lieutenant Colonel

Theater of Operation:



Mar 13, 1943 - Oct 1, 1966

Honored By:

Wife, Lorette Toro


Bob Whitebread was born and raised, along with his younger brother Jack, in Abilene, Kansas. Before he even graduated from high school in 1943 he enlisted in the Navy. In October of 1943 Bob went to Navy College Training at N.W. Missouri State College and to pre-flight and flight training in 1944 and 1945, respectively. His flight training was in Norman, OK, Pensacola, FL and Corpus Christi, TX. He received his wings and was commissioned in Pensacola in September 1945 as Second Lieutenant of the Marine Corps. He got his first squadron in Cherry Point, NC. During the Korean War, Bob served on the USS Badoign Straights carrier, flying Corsairs (F4U). Upon returning from Korea, Bob was stationed at various bases on the East and West coast. He met and married Lorette Toro and was father to two girls. Bob also served in Japan and Hawaii. He became a flight instructor and also went to helicopter training. He flew rescue missions and was based on different aircraft carriers. After serving for 23 years Bob retired as Lt.Col. at Headquarters Marine Corps in Washington, DC in 1966. American Airlines in Ft. Worth, TX became Bob's new focus. He was a flight instructor for American Airlines and then was manager of Flight Administration before his retirement in 1988, after 22 years. He now resides in Arlington, TX and enjoys traveling.