Soldier Details


405th Inf Reg and 102 Inf (Ozarks Div)

Theater of Operation:



Oct 15, 1943 - Jun 18, 1945

Honored By:

Son, Tom; Grandsons Todd, Andrew, & Benjamin (all vets)


Robert was drafted into service in Portland, Oregon on October 15, 1943 and became a member of the 405 Infantry Regiment. He served in the European theatre as a member of the 102 Ozark Division, earning a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart at the Battle of the Bulge. Among his other medals were the Good Conduct Medal, American Campaign Medal, European, African, Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, and the WWII victory Medal. Robert never talked about his service years, except on two very rare occasions when he confided in his eldest grandson, and one other when he spoke of fighting for his life as he lay wounded in a beet field. It was an honor for him to serve his country according to his youngest brother Jim, and it just wasn't something you talked or bragged about.