Soldier Details


195th AAA AW Bn

Theater of Operation:


Mar 20, 1942 - Nov 8, 1945

Honored By:

His daughter, Nancy Hansohn


With the Bronze Star he was awarded for service in the break-through at St. Lo, Lt. Otis Hansohn received the following citation: 'In providing anti-aircraft defense for the 78th Arm'd FA Bn, during the period between June 7 and July 31, 1944, Lt. Hansohn did perform meritorious and heroic service in combat by exemplary leadership. During engagements with enemy aircraft and actual contact with enemy infantry and tanks, Lt. Hansohn, without regard for his own personal safety, made continual checks of the guns of his platoon, giving the men confidence and assuring himself that all guns were being manned and directed against the enemy. That Lt. Hansohn's entire service during this period brought his platoon to a high state of training and his presence at the guns under enemy fire gave the men confidence and raised their morale which enabled them to man their guns in a most efficient manner. The heroic action by Lt. Hansohn contributed materially in repulsing the counter-attack and inflicting considerable damage on both enemy personnel and material.'