Soldier Details


126th Infantry 32nd Division

Highest Rank:

Private First Class

Theater of Operation:



Jan 3, 1942 - Jun 20, 1945

Military Honors:

126th Infantry Distinguished Unit Badge - Presidential Citation
Good Conduct Medal
Philippine Liberation Ribbon with 1 Bronze Star

Honored By:

His daughter, Cecilia (Kasl) Harris


After completing the 9th grade, Joe Kasl farmed with his father and cared for their livestock until he was inducted into the Army on Jan. 3, 1942. His military qualification and dates were combat infantryman Badge Go 1 126th Infantry on Feb. 5, 1945 and 30 Cal Machine Gun 2d Class Gunner on Feb. 25, 1942. His military occupational specialty and number was Guard-Patrolman 522 and he guarded military prisoners in a prisoner-of-war stockade to maintain order and prevent escapes, guarded the entrance to military installation checking safeguards and passes to insure against entrance of unauthorized persons, and assisted in enforcement of military laws and regulations, maintenance of order and traffic control. While stationed in Australia, he guarded General Douglas MacArthur when transported by jeep. He also served as an ammunition bearer of 50 millimeter mortar crew, assisted in preparing emplacement and setting up mortar, secured shells from ammunition dump and carried to emplacement, and utilized rifle and carbine in performance of combat duties. Civilian conversions were Packer 1, Oiler II, Oiler I, Explosive Operator II and Powderman I. After his honorable discharge on June 20, 1945 at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, he joined the William Fleming Post No. 345 of the American Legion in Cuba, Kansas and the Baker-Holmes Post No. 3722 Veterans of Foreign Wars, Belleville, Kansas.