Soldier Details


3rd. Battalion, M Company 137th Infantry 35th Division

Highest Rank:

E-6 Staff Sergeant

Theater of Operation:



Dec 23, 1940 - Aug 13, 1945

Military Honors:

Silver Star, two Bronze Stars one with a V, two Purple Hearts, Good Conduct, Combat Infantry Badge, European African Eastern Metal with four battle stars.
Jack Ulmer received a citation reading: For gallantry in action in the St. Lo. sector, Normandy, France on 17 July 1944. Upon observing a truck carrying ten men and several boxes of grenades and small ammunition burst into flames after it hit a mine, this soldier and two others accompanying him, rushed into the flaming area and pulled injured personnel in the truck to safety despite the fact that the grenades were bursting at the time. Sergeant Ulmer administered first aid to the wounded men and remained with them until medical aid arrived. The courage, coolness and prompt action on the part of this soldier who placed the lives of his comrades in arms above that of his own, reflect the highest credit upon his character as a soldier. Entered military service from Kansas.

Honored By:

His son Gary G. Ulmer E-4 U.S. Army


Jack was a Forward Observer for a 88 m.m. Mortar crew all thru France until he was wounded in the Ardennes.