Soldier Details


Hq Btry 75th Div. Atry

Highest Rank:

Staff Sargeant

Theater of Operation:



Feb 3, 1941 - Nov 25, 1945

Honored By:

Family of Staff Sgt. Alvin C. Hill


Alvin was one of the first Smith County, Kansas young men to be drafted. He was always so proud to have been able to serve his country. After the war, he returned to Smith County, Kansas and made his home on the farm 8 miles SE of Smith Center. He and his wife, Joanne, raised their children to be proud, patriotic and productive citizens. Alvin always had a desire to return to the areas of France and Germany that he had seen during the war, and see them after they were re-built. He never got to fulfill that dream. Alvin passed away in the Robert Dole VA Hospital, and was brought home to Smith County, Kansas for burial with military honors.