Boyhood Home and Burial Site
Grades K-12 • 30 minutes
Due to new and shifting mandates, the federal government may need to close the Boyhood Home to inside tours. If this happens, IKEducation will still provide provide primary sources along with additional information outside the home to encourage students to consider life for “Little Ike” and his family in the early years of the 20th-century.
Called the “Place of Meditation,” students will visit the final resting place of Ike, Mamie, and their first son. An IKEducator will provide more information about the funeral ceremonies for President Eisenhower that brought the world to Abilene’s doorstep.
Video: “Ike, An American Hero”
Grades 4-12 • 30 minutes
This video provides an overview of Dwight D. Eisenhower’s life. It is shown in the Visitor’s Center, which is located on the site of the former Lincoln Elementary School where “Little Ike” attended school.
Temporary Exhibit: “COLD WAR: Soviets, Spies, and Secrets”
Please note: This exhibit is open through March 2025
Grades 4-12 • 30 minutes
Students will explore the enduring impact of the Cold War era as they step into the intriguing world of espionage, nuclear tensions, and political complexities. IKEducation will provide BINGO sheets to highlight specific facets of this topic and exhibit for grades 4-8. BINGO sheets are optional for grades 9-12.