Soldier Details


3118th Signal Service Group

Theater of Operation:



Apr 8, 1943 - Feb 20, 1946

Honored By:



I entered the service in April 1943 and shipped around several places until I was sent to the ASTP Unit at Michigan State College in July 1943. That program folded in April 1944 and I was shipped to the Signal Corp at Camp Crowder, MO. After training I shipped overseas from Camp Joyce Kilmer, New Jersey. We arrived in Versailles, France on November27, 1944. I was assigned to the 3118th as a powerman working the transmitter site at St. Germain, France. From there I shipped to Frankfurt, Germany to assist in setting up a power plant for the Signal Center. I was discharged in Germany to take a civil service job for six months and train new operators to operate the equipment. I shipped home in September 1946 and in March 1947 I moved to Michigan and completed my education at Michigan State receiving my Engineering Degree in December 1949.