Soldier Details


9th Infantry, 26th Field Artillery Battalion

Highest Rank:


Theater of Operation:



May 20, 1942 - Oct 12, 1945

Military Honors:

Certificate of Commendation; Bronze Star; Good Conduct Medal

Honored By:

Talmage KS Historical Museum & Library, Dickinson County KS Historical Society & Heritage Museum, and Eisenhower Foundation


Military Specialty: Fire Control Computer. Bernard Veltman's Certificate of Commendation reads: During the action at EL GUETTAR, TUNISIA, T/4 Veltman was engaged in computing fire data for his battery. Despite intense hostile artillery fire on his station he continued to compute and transmit fire data to his battery accurately, thus aiding materially in neutralizing the enemy guns. Such courage and devotion to duty are highly commendable. After his World War II service, Bernard Veltman graduated from Kansas State University and was employed as county engineer for Geary and Ford counties. Brother Francis J. Veltman also served in World War II.