Soldier Details


Army Air Corps
397th Base Hq & Air Base Sq

Theater of Operation:



Aug 12, 1942 - Jan 30, 1946

Honored By:

Barbara Joyce Chaloupka Splichal and the Vytlacil family

Prisoner of War

Killed In Action


Wesley Vytlacil was employed by District 115 as a teacher in rural grade schools from 1939 to 1941. While in the Army Air Corps he was trained as an Automotive Mechanic, Armorer, Airplane Armorer and Small-arms Weapons Mechanic. He served 14 months in the Asiatic Pacific Theater. There he was the armament chief of the small-arms repair section and supervised 3 men in servicing, maintaining, and repairing small-arms weapons. While in the service, he earned the Good Conduct Medal and the Marksman Medal. On separation from the service he returned to Kansas and resumed his teaching career. He was a teacher until he retired. He married Laura Chaloupka. They had four children; Steven, Martin, Norman, and Susan Vytlacil Casne.