Soldier Details


52nd Signal Battalion

Highest Rank:

Technical Sergeant

Theater of Operation:



Aug 16, 1943 - Jan 10, 1946

Honored By:

Kathleen and David Higley

Prisoner of War

Killed In Action


Walt was born and raised in Iowa. He served in the US Army from August 16, 1943 to January 10, 1946. His basic training was at the Western Signal Corps School at Camp Davis, California. Walt then was deployed during World War II with the 52nd Signal Battalion to the Southwest Pacific, in New Guinea and the Philippines. Walt returned to Iowa where he married Mary Catherine Weathers. Walt and Mary then moved to Nebraska where Walt was a manager for the Goodyear Tire Company. Walt and Mary were the parents of eight children: James, Jean, Kathleen, Gerald, Michael, Mary Ellen, Janice, and Sharon.