Grade Levels
During both World War I and II, many resources like food were scarce because America needed to focus on getting our soldiers the resources they needed to win the war. During those times, people were encouraged to grow “Victory Gardens” to lesson the strain on the commercial food supply, ensure that everyone had access to nourishment, and provide a morale boost by allowing Americans on the home front to aid the war effort (and loved ones who were soldiers fighting far from home). Victory Gardens allowed people to feel empowered by their contribution of labor and by growing their own food supply. Victory Gardens were a part of daily life on the home front.
Today, America is fighting a different type of enemy in a different type of war, but similarly, this war is disrupting our commercial food supply, and will continue to do so for an unknown amount of time. Availability and prices of necessary foods are uncertain. Like the past, something we can do to fight back is to take responsibility for growing some or our own food.
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