Soldier Details



Highest Rank:


Theater of Operation:



Mar 25, 1941 - Aug 21, 1945

Honored By:

Eisenhower Foundation


When I was drafted, my last name was spelled Van Oostenbrugge. After the war, the spelling was changed to Van Ostenberg. During WWII, I was a driver and clerical assistant in the Office of the Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF). There was always a personal feeling between the General and the people on his staff. He was very much admired and I was extremely proud to be part of his staff. The General always called me 'Sgt Van.' Shortly after I was discharged, General Eisenhower honored me with a personal letter of recommendation, one of my most prized possessions. 'TSgt Arthur Van Oostenbrugge has served me faithfully and loyally for over three years. He has acted as chauffeur and assistant in my offices in Britain, Africa, France and Germany. He is ambitious, industrious, and has at all times shown outstanding tact and courtesy in the fulfillment of his various duties. I am confident that any position for which Sergeant Van Oostenbrugge is trained, will be carried out in an orderly and expeditious manner, and I recommend him most highly. Signed Dwight D. Eisenhower, General of the Army, U.S. Army'