Soldier Details


Marine Corps

Theater of Operation:



Jan 4, 1943 - May 9, 1946

Honored By:

Son, Robert D. Resnick


Lorence 'Larry' Resnick enlisted in the Marines in 1943, shortly after his high school graduation. Larry serviced in the central Pacific area as an aviation radar radio operator at Henderson Filed on Guadal Canal. After his active duty discharge in 1946, Larry remained in the USMC Reserves in Jacksonville, Florida, until 1952. That is where, on a bowling excursion with his brother and friends, he met Frances. He would tell his brother upon seeing her bowling in an adjacent lane, 'that is the girl I am going to marry.' Larry did just that as he and Frances would spend the rest of their lives together. Larry and Frances would eventually make Miami their home and raise three children; Robert (Danny), Sandra (Sandy), and William (Billy). All of whom blessed Larry and Frances with many grandchildren. Larry passed away in 1997 and Frances in 2000 as they were reunited in eternity. Larry Resnick, as well as many others from the 'Greatest Generation' are no longer with us but they, and their contributions, will never be forgotten.