Soldier Details
Theater of Operation:
Honored By:
I was at Camp Stewart, which is close to Savannah. Our Chief Nurse and our CO were going to town and invited me to go along with them. It was just before Christmas, and while in Savannah, our CO met his daughter who had just bought a bicycle for her son. The daughter's car had been giving her trouble; it was stopping and then she would have trouble starting it again, but nevertheless she asked to swap cars with her Dad because the bicycle was sticking out the back of her car and she did not want her son to see it before Christmas. So the cars were swapped and we began our drive back to Camp. The road we took back to the hospital in Camp went through swamp, was close to the rifle range and it was night time. About half way back to camp the car went dead. The Chief Nurse and I had to get out and push the car back to camp while the CO tried to start it. The next day I was on ward duty and the CO came by asked me if I wanted to go to town again and I said, 'No thank you!'