Soldier Details


Army Air Corps

Theater of Operation:



Jan 13, 1942 - Jan 12, 1945

Honored By:

Brother, George J. Green


Floyd enlisted in the Army on Jan 13 1942 in Chicago, IL. At enlistment, he was attending St Patrick's High School. He had sufficient credits for graduation and was to graduate with the class of 1942. After four months Basic Training, he was assigned to a National Guard Unit, the 26th Infantry Division on Long Island, New York. Its responsibility was guarding the beaches. Promoted to PFC after beach patrol, he was reassigned as clerk typist for the Regimental Colonel. After fourteen months serving with the 26th Infantry Division, he was qualified as an Aviation Cadet with the Army Air Corps. He attended Syracuse University then Primary, and Basic Flight Training at Clarksville, MS. Then, it was on to Craig Field, AL for Advanced Flight Training. Because of the excess of trained pilots, he was selected for Bombardier Training at Deming, NM. After completing Bombardier Training and commissioned as Flight Officer, he was sent to B-29 Gunnery School prior to overseas assignment to the Asiatic-Pacific Area. Prior to leaving on Aug 6 1945, the atomic bomb was dropped at Hiroshima, Japan and the war was over. Floyd's military records were, along with many others, destroyed in a fire on Jul 12 1973 at the National Records Center in St Louis, MO.