Soldier Details


S/S J H Senior Tanker

Theater of Operation:


Honored By:

George J. Green

Killed In Action


Joseph enlisted in the US Navy in January 1942 and went through boot camp at Great Lakes Naval Training Center, Chicago, IL. He joined the US Navy Armed Guard aboard the S/S J H Senior, a Petroleum Tanker of Panama Registry. The S/S J H Senior sailed from New York for Clyde, England in August of 1943 with a full load of gas oil, with deck cargo of aircraft. It was involved in a collision with the S/S J Pinkney Henderson on 19 August 1943. Extensively damaged by fire and an explosion, it was towed into Bay Bulls, Newfoundland. In the process of the sailors fighting the resulting fire, it was reported by one of the US Navy survivors that Joseph was alive but reentered the damaged area to seek his friend and upon an explosion, he was never found. He was reported Missing in Action by the US Navy. In 2008, his sister, Stevie Klein (in order to get closure on her brother), visited the Military Personnel Records Center in St Louis, MO to review his Military Records and was able to determine the above information. She also received his Purple Heart and was able to arrange to have a headstone for him at the Veterans Cemetery, Ellwood, IL. There is no Discharge available to determine his area of operations or the awards he was entitled to.