Soldier Details



Highest Rank:

1st Lieutenant

Theater of Operation:



Apr 23, 1942 - Sep 15, 1947

Honored By:

Dorothy Holmstrom, wife


Fred was inducted into the service in the first draft in February, 1941. He served as an Automotive Parts Clerk at Ft. Leavenworth until he was released in August, 1941. After Pearl Harbor, he was called back into the service in April, 1942. He continued to serve as an Automotive Parts Clerk until he was sent to Officer's Candidate School at Aberdeen, Maryland in January, 1943. After receiving his commission, he reported to Camp Davis in North Carolina where he served as Ordnance Property Officer and Maintenance Officer. In 1944, he was promoted to 1st Lieutenant and became Chief of the Maintenance Branch. They were responsible for locating necessary equipment (guns, trucks, jeeps, etc) and seeing that it was assigned and ready for a unit as it was needed. They were also responsible for the maintenance of this equipment. He was discharged in 1945 with the rank of Captain. He returned to Abilene, Kansas and became a Distributor for Napa Auto Parts. He retired in 1977 and continues to reside in Abilene.