Soldier Details


LSM 117

Highest Rank:


Theater of Operation:


Honored By:

The Eisenhower Foundation


Francis "Frank" Sheahen was born in 1922 to Lloyd and Rena Sheahen. He was a fourth generation and lifelong resident of Highland Park, Illinois. Frank was admitted into the Naval Academy in 1941 and entered active duty 1944, serving as lieutenant and commander of the LSM 117 in the Pacific theater of WW II. Evidence of Sheahen's  entrepreneurial prowess shown through when he walked the halls of the Navy Department in Spring 1941 in search of anyone who might aid in his admission to the Naval Academy and negotiation of his successful midshipman appointment with Chester W. Nimitz, future commander-in-chef of the US Pacific Fleet. After the service Sheahen retunred to his family business in Highland Park. He married and had four children. Courtesy of Chicago Tribune