Soldier Details
Highest Rank:
SSGT SFCTheater of Operation:
Honored By:
Edward P. Call was born December 24, 1926 in Kent, Ohio to Howard and Laura Call and graduated from Stow High School in 1944. He served in the Pacific Theater during WWII with the 11th Airborne Division with the rank of Staff Sergeant and was a member of the Occupational Force. He was a qualified parachutist and earned the Excellent Japanese Infantry Badge. The 11th Airborne Division participated in battles around Luzon, Philippines, in January and February and after kept the enemy off-balance with well-timed precise attacks that continued until August 1945. Army Serial Number 35859197. Call earned a B.S. degree from Ohio State University in 1951 and held a faculty appointment at Kansas State College until 1958. Following his Doctoral program, he was employed as an Extension Dairy Specialist at KSU from 1963-1969. He then joined the resident faculty in Dairy Science as a teacher of genetics and reproduction with research responsibilities in reproductive physiology. His research focused on methods to improve fertility in dairy cows and heifers. In 1993, Dr. Call was awarded the National Alfa-Laval Extension Dairy Award by the American Dairy Science Association. He was also recognized as Kansas Dairy Leader, Friend of County Agent, and received Gamma Sigma Delta's Award of Merit and Epsilon Sigma Phi's Meritorious Service Award along with the Kansas 4-H Clover Award. He was a member of several honorary and professional societies including Phi Kappa Phi, Alpha Zeta, Sigma Xi, Epsilon Sigma Phi, Gamma Sigma Delta, and the Dairy Shrine. He served several terms as Deacon for The First Presbyterian Church. He was a 40+ year member of the Manhattan Kiwanis Club where he was a past president and was recognized as a Distinguished Secretary. He received the Tablet of Honor-Kiwanis International's highest award and was recognized by the Kansas Kiwanis Foundation with the James Putnam Medallion. Ed married Jo Anne Griest on June 26, 1954 in Lebanon, Ohio. Call died January 5, 2016.