Vincent Speranzi

Vincent Speranzi



Mar 23, 1923 - Aug 2, 2023


H Company, 101st paratrooper
BATTLE: Battle of the Bulge
MILITARY HONORS: 2 purple hearts, 2 Bronze medals, French Medal of Honor
HONORED BY: The Eisenhower Foundation



Vincent J Speranza was born in 1925 in New York City. His parents were immigrant's from Italy. He was a good student and graduated High School in 1942. When his family learned of the attack on Pearl Harbor, his father pulled in his 4 sons. He told them he was too old to enlist but he expected them to do so. He went on to say how wonderful the US was, you can come there with nothing and become something. It must be defended. All the boys were in to fight but none were old enough. Vincent was drafted at age 18 and in October he wen to Fort Penning GA to train. After more training he was put in to the 87th Infantry and after seeing the 101st paratroopers do a demonstration, he volunteered. After training he sailed on the Queen Mary to Europe and later was trucked into France. The Battle of the Bulge was beginning and the 101st put up a stronghold at Bastogne. His machine buddy was injured and when he visited him, the buddy just wanted a drink. Vincent heads out into the demolished town but finds some beer but nothing to put it into. He used his helmet to contain the beer and takes it to his buddy. Now all those nearby want a drink of beer. Vincent helps out until the beer is gone. He makes a second beer run but gets caught. Vincent returns hoe, marries and becomes a teacher. At age 85 years he returns to Belgium to find out his beer run is famous. Air borne Beer served in a helmet is everywhere in the country. His remaining years were full of his recognition for his service and famous beer run. Courtesy of American Veterans Center.

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