In honor of the 70th anniversary of Dwight D. Eisenhower’s first term as President of the United States, the Eisenhower Foundation was given a matching gift opportunity. If we could raise $50,000 by March 31st, the funds would be matched dollar-for-dollar by an estate gift given through the Community Foundation of Dickinson County (Abilene, KS) and an anonymous Kansas donor.
Thanks to supporters from across the country, we reached this goal, raising over $100,000! These meaningful gifts reflect the commitment our donors have to Ike’s legacy.
Funds will be put to immediate use to repair the beautiful fountain in front of the Place of Meditation — President Eisenhower’s final resting place, alongside his wife, Mamie, and their first-born son, Doud Dwight — at the Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum in Abilene, Kansas.
A contractor for the project has been secured and we are hopeful the repairs will be initiated by the Symphony at Sunset Annual D-Day Commemoration Concert in June. This event honors all veterans, both past and present. The Eisenhower Leadership Awards are
presented to soldiers from the First Infantry Division at Ft. Riley, Kansas, and guests are invited to hear personal stories of World War II soldiers at the Thank a Veteran Reception.