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Online Programs
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On-Demand Learning Experiences

Students can work at their own pace with these ready-to-go learning experiences!



Operation Cold War: Spy Quest
Students can explore the enduring impact of the Cold War era as they step into the intriguing world of espionage, nuclear tensions, and political complexities. This online program allows participants to view and interact with the Cold War exhibit at the Dwight D. Eisenhower Museum.

Download and print the Spy Quest Notebook to complete the quest. Click the image below to begin the mission in ThingLink.

Online SpyQuest


The Three Branches of Government

Download the materials that accompany this lesson.

Why did the founders of our Constitution create the three branches of government? What role do they play in maintaining our democracy? Discover the answers to those questions and learn how President Eisenhower upheld the Constitution as President of the United States. This program will also allow students to analyze primary sources from the executive, legislative, and judicial branches created during Eisenhower’s presidency.


Making Do and Doing Without

What could you give up in your daily life to help American soldiers half-way around the world?  Your bike? Desserts? Along with their parents, kids on the American home front during World War II saved, reused, recycled, and did without many items at home so that our troops had the food and supplies they needed to win the war and come home safely. Student will explore answers to the essential question, How were Americans encouraged to save, recycle and reuse to help the war effort?

Schools at War: Save-Serve-Conserve

During World War II, schools all across America provided programs to get students involved in the war effort. Through saving, collecting, and volunteering, America’s youth accomplished amazing results! Student will explore answers to the essential question, How were American schools affected by World War II?


Supporting the War with Quarters and Dimes

During World War II, American kids supported the war effort financially in significant ways.  Their efforts helped buy needed military equipment for America soldiers to win the war and come home safely. Student will explore answers to the essential question, What kind of financial impact did kids make during the war? 


World War II Toys

Many American toy manufacturers helped support the war effort by suspending some toys, changing the materials, or using their factories to make war materials instead of toys. Kids crowded around the radio to listen to their favorite shows, and read comic books in which their favorite superheroes fought the evil Nazis. Student will explore answers to the essential question: How were toys and entertainment affected during World War II?