Carlo Henze
Carlo Henze
Carlo Henze grew up in Innsbruick, Austria. He earned a medical degree there but when he lost his pension when the war broke out and imminent fear of being drafted in the Nazi Army, Henze found a way to be transfered to New York. He enlisted into the Army in 1941 and was given a duty of digging latrines. An Army Captain came while he was working and informed Henze, with his Dr. degree and knowledge of German, there was a new job waiting for him. Henze was promoted to Captain and became part of the Medical Intelligence Division tothe Office of the surgeon General of the Army. Another duty Henze became involved with was the Alsos Mission. It worked to determine German progress in developing an atomic bomb, biological, and chemical weapons. Hence was mostly involved with the biological and Chemical weapons. Another duty was to interrogation of German prisoners and Scientist. See more story for more information on Carlo Henze service in World War II.